Money is not as important as we think. SAY WHAT?!
We all want to be happier, of course, we do, but we don’t need as much as we probably think we need to be at our ‘optimal’ level of happiness.
Society teaches us that the more money we make, the happier we will be. But statistically and factually, this is just not true.
I believe it’s worth taking some time to figure out how much is enough, and our freedom number, where we are on the fulfilment curve, else we are in danger of wasting our lives chasing and believing in something that was in fact a false promise and like chasing the wind…
According to numerous studies, there is a point where money will make us happier and will make a huge difference to our happiness.
For example, if we’re struggling to meet our monthly obligations /living below the poverty line, of course, an extra £5,000 a year will make a huge difference to our life and our level of happiness.
However, in contrast, if we’re already pulling in a 6 figure salary and very comfortable, the extra £10,000 won’t bring that much more happiness.
Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin authors of the book ‘your money or your life’ state there is an optimal level of money that will make us happy, that once we tip over that point, each £1.00 we spend over that optimal level will make us a little less happy than the pound spent before it.
By figuring out where we are on the Fulfilment curve we can work out whether the monetary amount we are aiming will in fact make us happier or not so we can then set realistic goals and a plan to Financial Independence.
The 4 areas of the Fulfilment curve for Optimal Happiness.
1. Survival: Do you have your basic needs met? E.g. food/clothing/shelter.
2. Comfort: Are you comfortable? Do you have the comfort things you would like E.g a nice coat/ cosy throw to snuggle up to/ a cute little coffee mug etc.
3. Luxuries: Do you have a ‘few’ luxuries, e.g. A sexy car, a nice holiday, a nice home etc.
4. Overconsumption/Extravagance: Do you have too much? >Multiple cars, huge jewellery collection, an overflowing wardrobe with stuff you don’t need etc.
The fulfilment curve states that the sweet spot is…
In the ‘luxuries section’ where our survival/ comfort needs are met and you have a few luxuries. According to numerous studies, this is where we’ll find Optimal Happiness.
So perhaps we should stop chasing the Millionaire lifestyle and focus on our Freedom number and how much is enough for us.
Why there are so many unhappy rich people?
Because they bulldoze past the optimum fulfilment curve and keep on spending…Period.
Perhaps you are already at the optimal level but you are still not happy because maintaining the income you are getting through a job is taking too much time.
Active and Passive income.
Active income basically means you are currently having to go to work and swap your life/time for your monthly salary.
Passive income is where you don’t have to go to work to make money and you still get paid.
Property is a great vehicle to help you stop trading your time for money.
Learn how to make get starting in Property below
You may wish to stop working so hard to stay there. This is where I can help you.
I want to help you get to the sweet spot on the fulfilment curve, where the ‘good life is’ but without having to work so hard.
The way to do that is by turning off your ‘Active income’ and switching it to ‘passive income.’
How I can help you get to your Optimal Fulfillment.
Through Property I can help you switch your existing income from ‘active’ to ‘passive’ using a little known technique called ‘buy refurbish refinance,’ this is basically where you buy multiple properties with one pot of cash.
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂
Thanks so much 🙂
Hello, just wanted to say, I enjoyed this blog post. It was inspiring. Keep on posting!