A few tips on some of the things I’ve learned as we’re away for 2-3 months a year now without issues.
1/ Systemize and Automate your biz so it can run without you- Ensure you have a strong team (virtual & physical) who can still be on the ground and hold the fort together, more than one person if possible, as unforeseeable/ sickness does happen, but with a decent team on the ground anything is possible. E.g I needed a new internet banking key fob sent out last week, and one of my wonderful ladies mailed it internationally to Thailand. 😀
2/ Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, nothing is ever going to be 100% in place and perfect before you take the leap to work remotely. I was able to see really quickly where my business shortfalls were…e.g my team was used to asking me stuff because I was there and gave them the answers fast, not being around forced them to lean on each other and work out urgent together. Always Interesting reading how they dealt with stuff when I wake up. Lol
3/ Remember Everything is workout-able with an internet connection and a capable person on the ground, you don’t physically need to be there!
4/ Learn to live with less. Our house is quite minimalist and clutter-free because I’ve learned the value of just having what we need now. A heck of a lot fewer toys for the kids in general (a good thing I think.)
5/ Avoid Western Australia if you want to continue to work- the internet connection is a disgrace. I almost got back on a plane back to Bali within 24 hours of arriving. This is no exaggeration, the speed is slower than Kenya …It’s 50th in place on the global ladder of internet speed. Investor phonecalls/ negotiations literally stopped for 2 weeks. You won’t find me going back there in a hurry! I wasn’t a happy lady. It’s a nice place otherwise although be prepared to spend a tenner on a coffee and a croissant 🙄
6/ know where doesn’t work for your working Pattern. The US didn’t work well for me with the kind of work I do- as when I’m waking up its afternoon in the UK found myself chasing my tail with a tonne of messages/ emails /phone calls with only a few hours before everything closes. Found it really stressful. So until I move more towards armchair investing which we’re doing about 30% of the time short trips only☝🏼
7/ Find your happy place. Asia is ours. We come here 2-3 months a year now. I’m happier here than anywhere else. Why? The time difference mainly, it makes me more productive than ever -get up at 6 am watch the sunrise (midnight UK ) and kick off on my highest value project for a few hours.
We then tend to go out for the whole day with the kids without worrying about a single email/phone call / urgent because the UK is sleeping, it’s like going back to Pre tech days 😉 #peaceful
8/ If you have kids you can do a lot of your work when they sleep, when it’s 7 pm here it’s still only 1 pm in the UK. So I’ll Work for a few hours and have meetings in the evening, knowing I’ve had an amazing day with the family -before kicking back with hubby.
8/ Go somewhere were FOOD is cheap!👌🏽
9/ Don’t underestimate traveling with young kids- we’ve been traveling around the world with ours since they were 4 months old. My kids are great travelers and love learning about new cultures and learning new things. (Night flights only)
10/ Take a leap 😁– Just make it a goal and work towards building a business that allows you to work remotely- then you can play around with traveling everywhere until you find your happy place too
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